Monday, 29 June 2015

Lost glasses and lost chicken

Last week started badly. Mrs BLog went out at about 10.00 to ensure that Custard and Mustard (our chickens) were safely asleep in their coop. They weren't. That is, Mustard was and Custard wasn't. The Blog family were turfed out into the cold night air to look for Custard who did not want to be found. Son-blog went to search the park nearby, daughter-blog went up and down the A72 calling. I went for the prickly bushes.

After a few heart-stopping moments I found Custard hiding in a bush below the kitchen window.Clearly unaware of the trouble she had caused nor how close she wato being part of a recipe for Korma.

The following day I could not find my glasses. Regulars will know that this has happened before and they have always turned up eventually. Once in a snowdrift and once in the lawnmower blades.

They duly turned up later in the week when daughter blog found Custard back in the bush trying to hatch them.

Saturday, 20 June 2015

She misspoke

Mrs Blog was commenting on the environment over dinner. She said she was keen to minimise her Carbon-Fibre. ????

Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Borders Life

This week is a big festival week in our home town in Scotland. That means that there is a fair bit of drinking most nights this week.

Hats off to the members of a local organisation of gentlemen who kicked the week off with their dinner on Monday night. A bunch of gents, well dressed and with perfect manners who set the bar for this year's festival. One of their number went back to the hotel where the dinner was held the next morning and asked,

"Did I leave my shoes here last night?"

Saturday, 13 June 2015

Great marketing

It has been a bit quiet on the blogging front lately! To end this drought I thought I would share one of the best bits of marketing in the world of Outdoor Camping stores. An enterprising firm published a poster with the following Shakespeare-inspired legend...

"Now is the winter of our discount tents"!