Tuesday 27 November 2018


As regulars know, I occasionally find something in The Times that needs sharing.

Yesterday they carried the story of a dog that sniffed out explosives in the army. (The dog saw active service in Afghanistan but is now retired). Our four-legged hero had been on the battlefield going ahead of the infantry, which makes his name as hazardous as the explosives he was looking for...

He was called..."Fire"

Sunday 25 November 2018

Is this Wembley?

Mr and Mrs Blog have just had one of those conversations...sitting in two different rooms...

"What time are you seeing the doctor on Wednesday?" she asked.

"Twenty past nine!" I bellowed back.

"It's alright I already have one."


(She thought I said "Do want some wine")

Tuesday 20 November 2018

Don't get old!!!

Some senior moments are worse than others, far worse.

Last weekend I was getting out of a car in the dark and reached for my hat. So far so good. I put it on and then I reached for my gloves. Nothing, they were nowhere. I felt around with my hand, knowing that I had put them on the seat next to me. Nothing. Time to switch the light on! Nothing.

Then I took my hat off...and found my gloves had spent the last five minutes on my head!

 Why is life so difficult?

Monday 12 November 2018

Online anomalies

I had an idle moment.

Ok...a very idle moment.

I found a video on You Tube entitled "How to fall asleep in two minutes".

It lasts 7 mins 24 seconds!