Thursday, 30 March 2023

Dog Shrinks

Son-blog has a Golden Retriever called Maggie. He has trained her exceptionally well and is always looking for ways to improve her behaviour.

Last weekend he mentioned that a friend had told him of Dog Psychologists who help with deep seated issues. 

I am skeptical though...Maggie isn't allowed on the couch.

Thursday, 16 March 2023

Comedy gold

 Earlier in the week I was at the Kayak club. I ran into a member I'd been emailing for a month without a reply. The following conversation took place,

"Ruairdh, I've not had a reply to my emails, mate!"

"What emails?"

(I explained)

"Must be my email system playing up." Off went Ruairdh.

I turned to the lady who does the admin in our club.

"You'd think he could sort his emails out given that he works in IT!"

"He doesn't work in IT"

"Doesn't he? What does he do?"

"He's a joiner."

"How on earth did I get the idea that he was in IT then?"

"Maybe you heard him saying he'd fixed someone's windows?"