Monday, 1 August 2011

Pensions update

My rant on pensions was woefully short and therefore lacking in a few details , for which I apologise.
To set the record straight and keep the peace with at least one follower...
For the public sector I (and probably many others) do not include the following - armed forces personnel, nurses, doctors and other emergency services all of whom are hugely valuable and worth every penny.
In fact we would probably prefer to see them paid more and get better pensions than they do.

My rant a few weeks ago was aimed squarely at the pen-pushing-window-licking-monkeys who achieve nothing and take forever to do it. The nearest this gets to the armed forces and emergency services is the MOD who have managed to squander billions and with no-one taking the fall for it.

1 comment:

  1. "Pen-pushing-window-licking monkeys" may be my new favourite phrase. Please note the UK spelling.
