Saturday, 8 June 2013


My approval rating has gone through the roof. Not that I am being approved of.; the increase in my rating is quite sinister.

Mrs Blog often sends me out to our local Sainsburys to get a little shopping. Being technologically aware I have, for some time, being using the self-service check-out.

I know that when I buy alcohol or aspirin (I always seem to buy the two at the same time!), I need to be approved of by a member of staff. This has never been a problem as I am always sober, non-suicidal and wrinkled enough to pass scrutiny.

Today I was buying neither aspirin nor alcohol (despite consuming vast quantities of both in the last 24 hours)  and still needed approval. What for? Firelighters for the barbecue! Bizarrely I do not need approval for the matches!!

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