Last night I was in Aberdeen visiting Daughter-Blog. At the start of the evening I told her of a trip I took to London about thirteen years ago. I was waiting in the queue to check in at B.A. at 5.00a.m. (in the days before online check in) and there was a guy in front of me who was asked whether or not he had any food items in his hand luggage.
"Yes," he replied, and proceeded to take out sixteen pots of strawberry yoghurt. It raises a few questions...
"Yes," he replied, and proceeded to take out sixteen pots of strawberry yoghurt. It raises a few questions...
- Was he going to eat all the yoghurt on a one hour flight?
- If not why take it on the flight?
- Was there a likelihood of a London yoghurt shortage at that time of the morning?
- Why all strawberry?
- What is wrong with other flavours?
Daughter-blog then added ....
"I had yoghurt in my handbag once!"
"How did that happen?" I asked.
"I sneezed!"
I can only cope with so many yoghurt mysteries so I didn't ask!!
Hahaha, I'd forgotten about this!