Monday 7 February 2011

Getting Fixed

At just after nine this morning I went to see Mark the Physio. He has successfully treated just aout everything that has ever gone wrong with my muscles in the past. In fact in one session he fixed my neck which for more than ten years had stumped several BUPA physiotherapists.
Mark is a German/Jamaican who speaks English with a Scottish and Jamaican accent (try the accent out in the dialogue below!!). All in all a good guy.
"What is up?" he asked
"My knee" I replied and explained that my running had left me with a knee injury.
"I have been to two other physio's" I explained, "one said it was my IT band and the other that my muscles round the knee were too weak" (The IT band is the Iliotibial muscle which runs down the outside of the leg next to the quads)
Two minutes later and Mark had concluded my legs were of different lengths causing my left leg to work harder than it should. He began the treatment explaining that he needed to loosen up my piriformis....bum to you!
There I was lying on front on the treatment table and he came out with the immortal instruction
"Squeeze your bottom like you were trying to crack a walnut!"
I don't know about you but I have never tried to break a walnut with my hands let alone my buttocks.
The treatment continued with work on my 1st Rib which was stuck, my neck which needed traction, my IT band and my shoulders. Apparently all these problems are linked to my knee.
Finally I got exercises to loosen my calf and to strengthen my buttocks. YES you heard I have at the age of fifty need to do exercises to make my bum work better!!

Having looked at this picture again it really worries me!

So after a few months of this I should look like this -


  1. Haha!! Best post to date, Dad!! This made me laugh so much - thank you! xxx

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. That explains you running around in circles all the time. Good luck with the new Ar53.

  4. You'll be cracking those walnuts in no time!
