Just what you want at the end of a long hard week at work is to sit quietly with a beer and relax in your own home. This is precisely what I did not get.
It was a long hard week - it involved a full day course with my boss and a dozen others learning how to be less Nazi-like in our managerial style. The company wants us to be more personally responsible for actions and to develop our people. I bought into it and so did my boss. There was a point when I worried that he might actually have walked away thinking that the best way to get more out of your people was to be a really extreme Nazi. I will have to wait and see.
The relaxing with a beer went out of the window when son-blog turned up with a gang of his friends. You have never seen a chocolate swiss roll pass from existence to oblivion faster. They ended up in the garden with sticks doing some kind of Ninja practice session. So immediately any chance of enjoying my beer in the garden was out of the window. More than that I was on tenterhooks waiting for one of them to come rushing in bleeding profusely

Today is daughter-blog's birthday - Happy Birthday Daughter-Blog. She is staying with friend-Heather who makes the most fantastic Chilli Jam.

Heather is an American studying at the "Centre for Modern Thought" in Aberdeen. She is a great ambassador for the US because she has a truly British sense of humour/humor. This was ably demonstrated when I asked her why there was a centre for studying a thought (singular) and really, with all those clever people, could they not study more than one? She has since taken up the implied challenge and is seeking to widen the curriculum whilst seeing the funny side.

It was a long hard week - it involved a full day course with my boss and a dozen others learning how to be less Nazi-like in our managerial style. The company wants us to be more personally responsible for actions and to develop our people. I bought into it and so did my boss. There was a point when I worried that he might actually have walked away thinking that the best way to get more out of your people was to be a really extreme Nazi. I will have to wait and see.
The relaxing with a beer went out of the window when son-blog turned up with a gang of his friends. You have never seen a chocolate swiss roll pass from existence to oblivion faster. They ended up in the garden with sticks doing some kind of Ninja practice session. So immediately any chance of enjoying my beer in the garden was out of the window. More than that I was on tenterhooks waiting for one of them to come rushing in bleeding profusely

Today is daughter-blog's birthday - Happy Birthday Daughter-Blog. She is staying with friend-Heather who makes the most fantastic Chilli Jam.

Heather is an American studying at the "Centre for Modern Thought" in Aberdeen. She is a great ambassador for the US because she has a truly British sense of humour/humor. This was ably demonstrated when I asked her why there was a centre for studying a thought (singular) and really, with all those clever people, could they not study more than one? She has since taken up the implied challenge and is seeking to widen the curriculum whilst seeing the funny side.

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