Sunday, 15 May 2011

Weird people

Last night saw son-blog perform with the up and coming music sensation that is know as Armadillo. This is a seven-piece band that caused a stir in our local town two months ago when the local fuzz banned them from playing a gig AFTER they had already agreed to it! The reason given was lack of manpower to control the two hundred fans who might have had a drink or two. So having banned the gig they called in reserves to police the streets because there were two hundred fans wandering the streets with nothing to do but drink!!

Back to last night. Armadillo were playing first on the bill in support of Agitator and Stagger Rats at the pretty cool "Cabaret Voltaire" (known as CabVol) in Edinburgh's Blair Street.

Son-blog played the Saxalarm (See earlier post) and had a ball. Back stage one of the musicians from one of the other bands asked him if he knew anyone in Edinburgh who could sell him Ketamine! What an introduction to world of substance abuse - seventeen years old and he is supposed to know where to buy Horse-Tranquilisers on a Saturday night at 9.30 p.m.!! Still it gave me an idea for a blog...

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