Tuesday 27 March 2012

Best of intetntions...

The weekend was pretty busy with loads of little chores and a few big ones like tidying up the garden. Nonetheless, I found time to take Mrs Blog's car to the local garage for a vacuum and a wash (Not any old wash but a hot, waxy, foamy, fragrant wash and blow dry!). Unfortunately the dryer did not work but I resisted the temptation to "to go off on one" and accepted it as one of life's little trials.

All was good in our house until five minutes ago when Mrs Blog suggested a walk by the river with the dog. She took the car keys, bundled the dog in the car (relegating me to the back seat). Then said,
"Where are the ""L"" plates?"
After discounting the possibility of theft, even though they were magnetic and easily pilfered, we live in area of nearly no crime. I then realised that magnetic "L" plates are probably not car-wash-proof.

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