Sunday, 14 October 2012


Nothing is quite so irritating in Mr Blog's life as a machine that beeps when it is trying to let you know that it has finished doing whatever it was doing. Unfortunately Mrs Blog rather likes Bosch as a manufacturer of washing machines.This has meant that for the last 14 years Mr Blog has been jumping up and running to kitchen every time the washing machine finishes to turn it off and stop it beeping. (Why Bosch think a machine needs to beep is beyond me!!)

Having found a peaceful place deep inside me I thought I would be able to cope for the rest of my days with this annoying machine.

Mrs Blog decided that our dishwasher was not as effective as it should be. I don't understand the technicalities but it was something to do with the dishes being dirty after they were washed. You are probably ahead of me at this point, Mrs Blog decided on a nice "Bosch" dishwasher as a replacement. Of course it too beeps when it has finished doing its thing.

Now I run to the kitchen when I hear the beeps and find I am faced with the 50/50/90 rule. With a choice between the dishwasher and the washing machine beeping, I have a 50/50 chance of picking the right machine first time. The 50/50/90 rule says that where you face such a choice you will make the wrong decision 90% of the time. I do.


  1. This reminds me of the old adage...if a man is completely alone in the middle of the woods, will he still be wrong?...........

  2. That depends on who is asking the question!
