Monday 29 October 2012

Clock Chaos 2

I thought the Blogs were bad at setting clocks yesterday. Today I discover that Bill Gates is even worse. Mrs Blog has a laptop which is set up to "internet time" which means it should automatically update the date and time function on the machine. I should point out that this is quite an important function because all sorts of programmes stop working when the date and time are not correct.

So this morning Mrs Blog tells me that the laptop isn't working. Sure enough it is having the computer equivalent of a "hissy fit", which I trace to the inaccurate time and date setting which at 8.32 a.m. read,

"16.48 20th February 1641!"


  1. Just to let you know, apparently laughter of the variety you just provoked is interesting enough to lure two administrators and a startled exchange student into my office to sort out what's wrong. Thanks!

  2. Wonderful to hear from you Heather. Thanks for the encouragement, it is great to know my blog is having the desired effect!!
