It has been a bit quiet lately so sadly there has been little to blog about.
This creative drought has been brought to a welcome end by news from Spain. It appears the Spanish government (who are not renowned for having huge amounts of cash) have sunk $680 m into a project to build several submarines. They have discovered a slight hitch...the submarines will sink. That is, sink and not come back up again! A little like their Armada?
This creative drought has been brought to a welcome end by news from Spain. It appears the Spanish government (who are not renowned for having huge amounts of cash) have sunk $680 m into a project to build several submarines. They have discovered a slight hitch...the submarines will sink. That is, sink and not come back up again! A little like their Armada?
Laughed at an inappropriate volume in my office and was glared at by a janitor. Thanks!