Thursday, 9 May 2013

Early Morning Stress

Just back from a two day trip to London. To get there on Wednesday morning I needed to use the Blog-mobile No 3 (a 2005 Ford Fiesta). Blog-mobile No 3 has been in the garage for a few weeks and I was unsure how much fuel it had in the tank. So on Tuesday it occurred to me that I needed to check that there was enough fuel to get me to the airport, especially so, as I was leaving at 4.00 a.m.

(Living in the Borders of Scotland means that petrol stations are few and far between and petrol stations open at 4.00 a.m are non-existent, the nearest all night garage is close to Edinburgh - 30 miles away).

I need not have worried, Mrs Blog was on the case. She had taken Blog-mobile No 3 out of the garage where it usually rusts and checked the fuel level.

"Just under a half tank" she replied, when I asked her on Tuesday evening.

"Fantastic!" I said, "no need to top up before I leave tomorrow."

Posting "Witness to Fitness" on the 18th February this year should have warned me that Mrs Blog is rubbish at reading displays on technical equipment.

When I got in the car at 3.45  a.m. on Tuesday, the fuel gauge read near empty! Evaporation? No! Faulty indicator? No! .....

Mrs Blog confusing the temperature gauge and the fuel gauge? YES!!!!

Thank God that Stellios and his orange friends cannot get a plane to take off on time.

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