In order to understand Extreme Spoons" you will first have to learn the less extreme game - Spoons. This is a card game and in fact could be any card game in which there are several players (three or more) where the game ends with one person disposing of all the cards in their hand. To turn any old run-of-the-mill card game into spoons you need a number of desert spoons which total one less than the number of players. So seven players requires six spoons and five players requires four spoons and so on. When the first person is "out" having disposed of their last card they shout "spoons" and they and all the other players grab for a spoon. The prinnciples of Musical Chairs now apply as there will be one person who is disappointed - that person is out until the next game. Play the card game again with one fewr player nad one less spoon and repeat until you have a winner.The attached diagram will help

To turn Spoons into Extreme Spoons (For this variation I am wholly indebted to the pupils of Peebles High School) you simply increase the distance between the card players and the spoons. So if you are school kid you play the card game bit in the canteen and place the spoons in a different part of the school as below
Of course you would need to be in the last year or two of school to play this as you would need to be able to intimidate the junior classes to leave the spoons alone.
The possibilities are endless. Students playing the cards bit in halls of residence and putting the spoons in a lecture hall. Office workers playing in the staff room with the spoons in the boss's office -my dream is to see youtube clips appearing of people playing Extreme Spoons.
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To turn Spoons into Extreme Spoons (For this variation I am wholly indebted to the pupils of Peebles High School) you simply increase the distance between the card players and the spoons. So if you are school kid you play the card game bit in the canteen and place the spoons in a different part of the school as below
Of course you would need to be in the last year or two of school to play this as you would need to be able to intimidate the junior classes to leave the spoons alone.
The possibilities are endless. Students playing the cards bit in halls of residence and putting the spoons in a lecture hall. Office workers playing in the staff room with the spoons in the boss's office -my dream is to see youtube clips appearing of people playing Extreme Spoons.
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This is such an awesome post! Haha. Good old extreme spoons!